回复 :当耳熟能详的童话故事主人公被告上法庭?脑洞全开的律政剧,毁童年系列你值得拥有~第一集《三只小猪》大灰狼爬烟囱潜入三只小猪家,却不料掉入煮着高汤的锅中,三只小猪趁势盖上了锅盖,大灰狼就此一命呜呼。这究竟是猪小三的正当防卫?还是计划周详的杀人计划?第二集《喀吱喀吱山》深爱的老太太惨遭貉子毒手,兔子誓言复仇。兔子先是火烧貉子,又在伤口抹辣椒水,最后给了貉子一条泥巴船想要淹死他。兔子究竟应该负起刑责锒铛入狱,还是应该法外容情缓期执行?且看本集分晓。第三集《白雪公主》这次审判的被告人是王妃。王妃完全否认由于嫉妒白雪公主的美貌而企图用毒苹果杀害白雪公主的事实。证人方面,除了白雪公主还有受命于王妃杀害白雪公主的猎人。检察官和被告辩护律师双方互不相让,一场唇枪舌战激烈展开。
回复 :Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to discuss books in fact, but to manage a investment fund they have established. Two of the members were hoping to cash out their investments, but were prevented from doing so by the others. There are several other suspects, all in one way or another connected to the financial and investment world, but when a second member of the book club is killed, the police realize they may need to look for an altogether different motive.
回复 :韦小宝(梁朝伟)为人刁钻聪敏,因义气帮助天地会人打退清兵后,他于稀里胡涂中接受天地会命令进宫“成了”太监。结识少年皇帝康熙(刘德华)时,不识对方身份的韦小宝与之不打不相交结成莫逆之友,并因在得知其身份后协助他铲除奸臣成为宫中红人。韦小宝无意知晓太后是神龙教人所假扮,目的是盗取藏有清朝秘密的四十二章经后,上报康熙,在他的帮助下,康熙救出被囚禁长达十多年的太后,其后韦小宝巧设妙计令顺治与康熙父子团聚,又挑拨神龙教人自相残杀,令康熙对他更加器重,然而他天地会人的身份终没瞒过康熙双眼。此外,周旋于先后爱上的建宁、双儿等七个女人之间,也令韦小宝觉得日子没那么好混。