永春A lawyer turns judge jury and executioner and goes after a gang, led by a minister's son, that threatens women with videos of them.
永春A lawyer turns judge jury and executioner and goes after a gang, led by a minister's son, that threatens women with videos of them.
回复 :Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is actually a Nazi torture ship which has sailed the seas for years, luring unsuspecting sailors aboard and killing them off one by one.91Those who survive the ghost ship are better off dead!
回复 :袁崇焕将军是礼义廉耻的化身,炎黄子孙的楷模。袁崇焕于山河破碎民族危亡之际,抛妻弃子投笔从戎,是舍生忘死忠诚仗义的热血丈夫。为黎民百姓大好河山免遭蹂躏,他义无返顾,精忠报国,宁可粉身碎骨也无怨无悔……袁崇焕是智勇双全的军事统帅。他以非凡的胆略和气魄运筹帷幄,决胜千里,创造了以弱胜强,以少胜多的辉煌战绩。这一介书生身上凝聚着中化民族的勇敢智慧和一往无前的大无畏英雄气概……袁崇焕是胸怀坦荡磊落光明、义薄云天万古流芳的民族英雄。他横遭诬陷蒙冤下狱,仍以国家民族利益为先,忍辱负重秉笔修书,召唤与自己知心换命的忠勇将士保卫京师,浴血奋战为国捐躯……正是袁崇焕以碧血丹心捍卫的封建专制君主一手制造了将忠臣良将凌迟于市,豪杰精英粉身碎骨的悲剧……
回复 :彭万里身为公司总裁,却想着不择手段挖空对手公司1000万,而暗恋他的李燕却成为了这场商业阴谋的被害人,与此同时,开着一家半年没有装修好的皮包公司的白宏图闯入了彭万里的视野,正当彭万里想着如何利用包宏图顶缸时,三人被意外送到了远离都市的彩虹镇。 彩虹镇遵守着古老而神秘的规则繁衍不惜,万物都被以快乐为能量的彩虹机控制着,期初,三人为了逃出彩虹镇想尽一切办法,阴错阳差,三人最终都爱上了这个地方,与此同时,一场保卫彩虹机的斗争倏然而至……