噩梦On a remote holiday park in Cornwall, a young woman is drawn into a mysterious obsession when she suspects her boyfriend has cheated on her.
噩梦On a remote holiday park in Cornwall, a young woman is drawn into a mysterious obsession when she suspects her boyfriend has cheated on her.
回复 :He is 30 and just got out of jail after 12 years of detention. She is almost 24 and has a simple life away from the city. One day, he comes to her and she let him stay with her. That's complicated when your older brother needs to get back to a normal life. Between tenderness and bursts of laughter, his anger is sometimes out of control. However, she wants to help him. As for him, he wants to meets with his sister again.
回复 :2003年,移民美国五年的莉莉因罹患乳癌,抱病带著两个女儿芳仪、芳安从洛杉矶回到新店,与疏离多年的丈夫宗辉团聚。芳仪因为中文障碍在班上成绩严重落后,被同学戏称为“美国女孩”。横衝直撞的她面对母亲生病深感无力,最渴望的就是回到美国。随时担心癌症恶化的莉莉不能谅解芳仪的各种叛逆行为,家庭成员之间的紧张关係一触即发。在文化衝突、经济、疾病等压力之下,莉莉与芳仪的衝突节节升高,并在小女儿芳安于SARS期间被医院隔离时达到高峰。莉莉原本即将分崩离析的家庭,因一场意外的疫情被迫面对彼此的心结,进而获得重新开始的契机。
回复 :人声鼎沸的西班牙斗牛场中,孔武健壮的斗牛士安东尼奥(丹尼尔·吉梅内斯·卡乔 Daniel Giménez Cacho 饰)正在进行一场关键赛事。看台上,他正怀有身孕的美丽妻子卡门(茵玛·库艾斯塔 Inma Cuesta 饰)紧张地注视着眼前的一切。然而意外发生,安东尼奥被公牛顶成重伤,深受惊吓的卡门在产下一女后撒手人寰。住院期间,别有心计的护士因卡娜(玛丽贝尔·瓦度 Maribel Verdú 饰)细心呵护安东尼奥,而她日后也成为这名残疾斗牛士的新一任妻子。自幼远离父亲生活的小卡门辗转回到安东尼奥的豪宅,可是却遭到因卡娜的残酷虐待。命运多舛的卡门(玛卡莲娜·加西亚 Macarena García 饰)日渐长大,容貌出众,但心狠手辣的继母是可要将她置于死地……本片根据白雪公主的故事改编,荣获2013年歌蒂奖最佳艺术指导奖,2012年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节银贝壳奖和评委会特别奖。