国产After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub and soon learns his sibling's death wasn't an accident.
国产After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub and soon learns his sibling's death wasn't an accident.
回复 :A girl seeks help and guidance from a robot monster to cope with the bullies at school and her father's new girlfriend.
回复 :圣诞老人克里斯(梅尔·吉布森 饰)随着年纪增长,事业也跟着逐年下滑。为了拯救圣诞工厂,并养活他的小精灵员工,他被迫与美军合作,转行开始制造军武。不过一次失误,竟让他惹来杀身之祸?!就在圣诞节早晨,一位富豪家庭男孩(钱斯·赫斯菲尔德 饰),满心期待地打开圣诞礼物,却发现礼物只是一块煤炭。恼羞成怒的他,决定雇用职业杀手,猎杀这位让他火冒三丈的圣诞老人……屁孩PK圣诞老人,最后究竟谁输谁赢?
回复 :赖府公子赖晓华与张家公子张不会等人抬杠,赢得了一块“抬杠之王”的牌匾,因张不会善妒的性格。不服气,便邀赖晓华再赌,赖晓华自认胆识过人,便应邀。张不会为了要赢回面子,恳请老管家从乡下找来能人助其一臂之力。不料,却被邪道修四海利用。马家传人马一衡奉父之命来帮助赖家公子,从而正邪两方交汇,大战打响。