日韩A fast-paced, high concept thriller following a 20 something layabout, who over the course of a day, is forced to make his way across an increasingly strange and sinister London, in order to save his kidnapped girlfriend.@www.molikan.com
日韩A fast-paced, high concept thriller following a 20 something layabout, who over the course of a day, is forced to make his way across an increasingly strange and sinister London, in order to save his kidnapped girlfriend.@www.molikan.com
回复 :一个男人一心求死,而另一个男人却悟得了向死而生
回复 :Netflix produces a feature focusing on one of the main characters of the successful German series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast). Following the success of the series, production of a prequel feature film centred on the small-time crook Buba starring Bjarne Mädel has been launched.
回复 :《森山中教习所》是真造圭伍从2009年到2010年在《月刊Spirits》(小学馆)上推出的首部连载作品。讲述我行我素的大学生佐藤清高与扑克脸的冰山男流氓轰木的这两个高中同学因为某件事,而进入非官方认证的教习所的夏季物语。在真人电影版中,野村周平出演佐藤清高,贺来贤人出演轰木。