回复 :Discovery's 'Shipwreck Men' features modern day pirates patrolling the coast of southern Florida - and the bounty they're after is boats in distress. Salvage companies scan the waters day and night. When trouble strikes they race into action, whether it's saving a sinking vessel, rescuing boats from dangerous hurricane storms or putting out a massive fire. While their intentions are good, it doesn't mean it isn't a cutthroat business.
回复 :该季本应在2020年9月首映,但由于新冠病毒因素,世界范围的旅行限制,斐济对非公民关闭了边境,最终推迟在2021年春季,制作被搁置了整整一年。本季于2021年9月22日在美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)和加拿大环球电视台(Global)首映。与往季不同,通常39天的赛制被缩短到26天。
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