回复 :The film is dedicated to the Armenian monk and genius composer Komitas, and the 2 million victims on his people in Turkey in 1915. The final 20 years of Komitas life were spent in various mental hospitals. The destiny of Komitas? This is the magic beauty of Armenian culture and the abhorrent brutality of Armenian history. A cultural and artistic world that was slaughtered with a curved knife. A humanity that doggedly advances towards an apocalyptic catastrophe, that does not recognize its own original purpose, eradicates its own memory, its final roots.
回复 :舞蹈明星兼编导安东尼奥(安东尼奥·加德斯 Antonio Gades饰)正在筹拍法国作曲家比才的名剧《卡门》。痴迷悲剧《卡门》的安东尼奥,一直在寻找女主角卡门的合适人选。直到一个也叫做卡门的女舞蹈演员卡门(劳拉·德尔·索尔 Laura del Sol饰)出现,安东尼奥立刻决定由她来担任女主角。安东尼奥被年轻性感的卡门身上独特的气质所深深吸引,费尽心血培养她成为真正优秀的“卡门”。在排练中他渐渐对卡门产生了欲罢不能的爱欲,然而自由奔放的卡门却不愿受到约束而爱上他人。爱与死的纠缠渐渐模糊了戏剧与现实的界限,两人在不知不觉中陷入其中,不能自拔。由西班牙著名导演卡洛斯·绍拉执导的爱情歌剧电影《卡门》,与他导演的《血婚》、《魔恋》并称为弗拉明戈舞剧三部曲。本片荣获1984年第56届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片提名,1983年第36届戛纳电影节评审团最佳外语片奖、最佳艺术贡献奖等多项大奖。
回复 :拜访一位富裕而隐居的朋友,使一个年轻人陷入了恐惧和绝望的世界。