亚洲区A reporter, cameraman, and some petty thieves are stranded in a boat out on the ocean. The only thing that stands between them and their lives is a 50-foot prehistoric megalodon shark. They must all pull together to survive.
亚洲区A reporter, cameraman, and some petty thieves are stranded in a boat out on the ocean. The only thing that stands between them and their lives is a 50-foot prehistoric megalodon shark. They must all pull together to survive.
回复 :泽德期待着获得体育奖学金,而艾迪生正在为西布鲁克的国际助威比赛做准备。然后,突然,外星生物出现在西布鲁克周围,这不仅仅是友好的竞争。
回复 :川村俊介在工作的房地产公司的营业成绩是No.1,深受上司和同事的信赖,甚至决定和社长的千金结婚。婚礼前夜的惊喜派对结束后,酩酊大醉的他在回家的路上意外掉进了窨井里,手边只有手机。但是GPS会出错,熟人和警察也不可靠。时限的黎明迫近中,他呼吁唯一能通话的前女友和在SNS上建立账号的粉丝们帮忙,但事态却朝着意料之外的方向发展。
回复 :唐王沉迷五行星象之术,册封道人天机子为国师,天机子却在进京途中遇刺身亡。这一案件牵出了当朝相国和江湖组织“天网宗”两大势力和一场篡位夺权的巨大阴谋。靳胜男、罗重楼等英雄侠士将如何力挽狂澜惩奸除恶?