该片由真实事件改编。1999年2月在全罗北道完州郡参礼邑一家超市发生的老奶奶被抢劫后的致死事件。当时还是10代的三名犯人得到了有期徒刑的惩罚并且服役了,贝茨但之后犯人们打算自白边发起了再审请求,贝茨因此17年 后三人判定为无罪。
该片由真实事件改编。1999年2月在全罗北道完州郡参礼邑一家超市发生的老奶奶被抢劫后的致死事件。当时还是10代的三名犯人得到了有期徒刑的惩罚并且服役了,贝茨但之后犯人们打算自白边发起了再审请求,贝茨因此17年 后三人判定为无罪。
回复 :同志题材电影,但并非站在传统性别概念上的同志电影,只是探讨爱情的故事,为躲开纷扰的内心远走他乡,举目无亲,生活工作四处碰壁,孤寂踟躇,从一开始的国内明星,到异国无人注视的市井小民,然而真正在意的那份渴望得到注视的爱,却依旧缥缈不定,也许只有看清看透爱的本质才能重新开始...
回复 :Barefoot roadtrip around Guinea in search of the first film made by a local filmmaker. A charming and cinematic adventure, where the journey and the destination are equally important, and a film about collective memory and porous film reels.Does a film exist if no one has seen it? Guinean film director Thierno Souleymane Diallo goes on a barefoot road trip around his country to find the mythical 1953 film ‘Mouramani’ – the first Guinean film made by a local filmmaker. But it is not easy to find the film or anyone who has seen it for that matter. Some believe it is about the Islamisation of the Mandinka people. Others that it is about the relationship between a dog and its owner. Along the way, Diallo passes old, abandoned cinemas and dusty piles of moisture-damaged film reels. ‘The Cemetery of Cinema’ is a charming, cinematic adventure in which the journey is almost as important as the destination, and where the encounters along the way remind us of the importance of preserving a shared memory and culturel heritage.
回复 :一心想成为满分老爸的老金(贾冰 饰)独自一人抚养着女儿金今(萌儿 饰),甚至为了能让女儿上更好的学校,靠着卖炒饭竟然攒出了一套学区房,然而就当一切生活步入正轨之时,一场突如其来的意外,让女儿惊喜地发现了爸爸“外星人”的身份,在女儿崇拜的目光下,老金无所不能地施展“超能力”,然而这场中国式父母的善意谎言下到底有何隐情?在蓬勃的爱意背后,女儿能否看破“外星人老爸”深藏的秘密?一场爱与奇妙的冒险之旅就此展开……