回复 :Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph
回复 :妖精的尾巴故事叙述在一个充满魔法的世界——“阿斯兰特(EARTH LAND)”中,位于菲奥雷王国的一个众多厉害魔导士云集的魔导士公会“FAIRY TAIL”。露西一直希望能加入,成为其中的成员。在纳兹的引导下,露西终于得尝所愿,并结识了许多厉害的魔导士。随后,露西跟纳兹、格雷、艾露莎和哈比组成“最强队伍”,在这个全世界最吵闹、最暴力,但也是最快乐的公会里,创造出数不清的传说的,借着各种委托人的任务而不断变强,伙伴也一个一个加入,故事就这样渐渐揭开……
回复 :讲述了即将成为白凰女学院3年级生的女主角加藤茉莉香,因持有“私掠船只执照”而成为了合法的宇宙海贼。她一边维持学业,一边要履行社团“宇宙风帆部”社 长的职务,还要在咖啡店打工,同时还要兼任宇宙海贼船“辩天丸”的船长一职,每天过得异常忙碌。有一天,在豪华客船上行使海贼工作的茉莉香,在乘客名单中 发现了拥有银河路线的无限彼方……随后,海贼与少年的奔赴超空间的冒险就此开始!