回复 :Forged in Fire is an American reality television competition series that airs on the History channel, and is produced by Outpost Entertainment, a Leftfield Entertainment company. In each episode, four bladesmiths compete in a three-round elimination contest to forge bladed weapons, with the overall winner receiving $10000 and the day's championship title. The series is hosted by Wil Willis, with a three-judge panel consisting of J. Neilson, David Baker, and Doug Marcaida, experts in weapon history and use.
回复 :该综艺是全国首档音乐厂牌对抗秀,由张艺兴担任厂牌召集人和音乐制作人,集结包括创家族、觉醒东方家族、酷漾家族、丝芭家族、索尼音乐家族、乐华家族等在内的各大顶级音乐家族,推举家族出战阵容,对华语乐坛经典金曲予以全新改编演绎,见证金曲蓬勃的生命力。节目选取“金曲当潮,青春破浪!”作为slogan,意在为风华正茂的年轻音乐人们提供一个感受经典、传承经典的展示舞台,打造新生力量与文化共生成长空间,奏响“东方节奏”。
回复 :对任何人来说,遇到真爱可能都不容易。对于处在自闭症谱系中的年轻人来说,探索难以捉摸的约会世界就更难了。