回复 :They Might be Giants chronicles the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in modern-day New York City. The fact that Sherlock Holmes is a psychotic paranoid and Dr. Watson is a female psychiatrist fascinated by his case is almost beside the point. Dr. Watson follows Holmes across Manhattan and is, against her better judgment, drawn into the master detective's world of intrigue and danger. This is a sweet, goofy and fairly romantic film that asks the questions "Whose reality is right...and does it really matter?"
回复 :十岁的汤姆和父亲住在一个贫穷但温馨幸福的集装箱里,他在学校表现良好,平凡的生活却因为一个儿童保护工作者的介入而发生了变化。影片讨论了关于贫困户是否有能力抚养小孩的社会问题,
回复 :著名導演在片場發生意外,使他陷入疑幻似真的夢魘裡,嘗盡「喜」、「怒」、「哀」、「樂」四個奇幻旅程。