回复 :默默无闻的父亲四十年如一日照顾瘫痪在床的妻子一辈子,本以为老伴离世后是一种解脱,没想到自己面对的是无尽的孤独与寂寞。儿子担心父亲一个人孤苦,将父亲接到城里和自己同住,顺便接送孙子上下学。一个屋檐下,不善言辞的老父亲、为生活奔波的儿子、要兼顾家庭和工作的儿媳、需要照顾的孙子,三代人不同的生活习惯引发了不可避免的家庭矛盾,同时也展现了父亲一生无尽的责任和爱。
回复 :Jacek Koprowicz, both the writer of the screenplay and the director of the film, has centred ‘Mistyfikacja’ around the questions surrounding Witkacy’s death, creating a story of passion and madness, love and falsehood, perversion and happiness, which often transcend the realms of understanding. According to the director, Witkacy did not commit suicide but instead hid at his lov...
回复 :兩位女生,在相隔一年進入不同的「社會新鮮人」階段後分開,在這十年之間,她們靠近、生活、陪伴、理解。