回复 :Ilya is a cripple without the use of his legs. When he aids some weary travellers, they surprise him by giving him a potion that restores his legs. He immediately becomes powerful and sets off to prove himself to his King. Doing so, he fights the evil Tugars, a wind demon that looks like a cross between a goblin and The Noid, a zeppelin-like ambassador, and the evil Tugars. Ilya gets framed for a crime he didn't commit, then is freed, then finally dispatches the Tugars and their dragon.
回复 :影片真实记录了全国各地扶贫驻村第一书记搞产业、兴教育、抗台风、保丰收等事迹,讲述了他们为老百姓办实事的生动经历,展现年轻共产党员在脱贫一线奉献青春甚至牺牲的感人故事,谱写了一曲中国新时代党的赞歌。
回复 :莉莉(梅俪儿 饰)通过手机“附近的人”功能认识了某神秘酒店高老板,并谈起了恋爱。高老板约莉莉去他的酒店见面,女记者冯薇(宫哲 饰)陪其前往赴约,两人住进这间神秘酒店,却发现高老板早已死亡,可下午“他”还在给莉莉发微信,两人不觉毛骨悚然!晚上,酒店环境突然变得和阴间一般阴森,两人在酒店中频频遭遇灵异之事,睡梦中似有“猛鬼”压身,而酒店天花板也突然飞溅血水,房间里莫名飘出诡异音乐,还有白发幽灵在午夜出没!随后莉莉莫名消失,而冯薇也被一双“鬼手”紧紧扼住了小腿,更恐怖的一幕开始在酒店上演……