回复 :清朝末年,一代宗师太极拳高手杨崇武(于海 饰)一家隐居杭州西子湖畔。杨崇武与妻子慧娘(胡慧中 饰)晚年喜得贵子杨学文(吴京 饰)。学文自幼天资聪慧,生性好武,而杨父怕他惹事闯祸,每日督促儿子苦读诗书,不准他外出。学文暗中偷学父亲的太极拳,并自创了一套辫子神功,平日勤加苦练,习得一身好武功。适逢钱塘江边举行祈雨祭祀,学文和表弟偷偷前去参加龙王祭。在祭典上,学文遇见了留洋归来的千金小姐曹央云(钟丽缇 饰),学文一见钟情。为了追求央云,学文参加了革命党。他的辫子神功在禁鸦片运动中大显神威,学文与央云感情日益加深。然而向中国走私鸦片的帝国主义分子却并不善罢甘休,暗中设下阴谋诡计,一场殊死搏斗旋即展开。
回复 :A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won't be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he's been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It's hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors' faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film: `Please don't interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.' And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throughout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.
回复 :在一家古旧的旅馆内,员工们都去欢度新年假期,只有一个小侍应生(Tim Roth 蒂姆•罗素 饰)留守。当夜,光怪陆离的事件轮番上演:1,一群女巫准备在当晚复活他们的女神,而她们却弄丢了至关重要的精液,小侍应生临时客串,勇敢献身……2,善妒的丈夫怀疑妻子与他人有染,遂将妻子绑在椅子上,倒霉的侍应生则被当作奸夫,手枪抵头,命悬一线……3,富翁夫妻参加新年宴会,将子女留在房间中。两个淘气的小家伙展开了一场大战,却看到了恐怖的一幕……4,几名好莱坞演员凑在房间中玩打火机游戏,每人打十下,十下连续打着就会赢得一部跑车,反之有一下不着便要切掉一根手指。侍应生被临时找来充当刽子手……