回复 :孟非凡和蒋正是相识多年的好友,某天二人接到神秘电话委托他们押送一个皮箱到指定地点,完成后即可获得丰厚报酬。见财起意的二人不问青红皂白就欣然接下任务,但没想到的是从拿到神秘皮箱的那一刻起就怪事不断,先是遭到不明黑衣人的穷追不舍,后来到地铁上又遇到了保险推销员曹海滨,健身教练小美,演员黄大明,美发师大牛四位奇怪的同车人。在地铁故障黑灯瞬间后二人发现皮箱已被打开,里面的东西不翼而飞,而小偷肯定就在离箱子最近的这四个人中。然而随着剧情推进结果超乎所有人想象,原来这是一个早已被设计好的连环局中局,最终二人能将箱子找回顺利完成任务吗?谁才是真的小偷,谁又才是真正设计这一切的幕后黑手?一切答案皆在故事中..
回复 :Mandy is a mother, a writer, a nihilist. Mandy is a modern woman in a crisis. Raising a son in the midst of a female revolution, mining the pain of her parents’ separation and professionally writing about a love that no longer exists, she falls upon a troubled man, Pete, who’s searching for a sense of worth, belonging and ‘restored’ Male identity.
回复 :A pit worker is crippled by an accident and his wife flirts with another man.