回复 :Big Brother 3 is the third season of the Canadian reality television series Big Brother Canada. It is based upon the Netherlands series of the same name, which gained notoriety in 1999 and 2000. The series premiered on Global on March 23, 2015 and will last for ten weeks. The series revolves around sixteen strangers living in a house together with no communication with the outside world. They are constantly filmed during their time in the house, and are not permitted to communicate with those filming them. One HouseGuest, known as the Head of Household, has the task of nominating two of their fellow HouseGuests for eviction. The Power of Veto can be used to save a nominee. The HouseGuests then vote to evict one of the nominees, with the HouseGuest who receives the most votes being evicted from the house. When only two HouseGuests remained, the previously evicted HouseGuests decide which of them would win the $100,000 grand prize.
回复 :长久以来,龙己(岛崎信长 配音)都过着独自一人的生活,表面看来,龙己性格冷淡不近人情,但实际上,他十分擅长料理家务,并且拥有一颗柔软的心灵。从某一日开始,龙己再也不是一个人了,而多出来的那一个“陪伴者”,竟然是寄宿在他家浴缸里的人鱼若狭(梅原裕一郎 配音)。悲观又近视的贝壳真木(津田健次郎 配音)、不请自来的水母三国(花江夏树 配音)、心灵手巧的章鱼鹰巢(铃木达央 配音)、表里不一的鲨鱼安贺里,自从龙己出现后,这些稀奇古怪的海洋生物亦开始接二连三的出现在龙己的生活中。而在此过程中,龙己和若狭的关系似乎变得越来越亲近起来。
回复 :《梦想的声音第三季》,由林俊杰、胡彦斌、谭维维、张靓颖担任常驻梦想导师,王嘉尔担任前四期X导师。节目以切磋的方式让梦想导师与追梦歌手直接面对面进行“技艺过招”。选手自选导师歌曲演唱,被讨教的导师则需从“惊曲榜”中选择一首歌进行改编演唱。