回复 :A journalist goes in search of the truth after a series of brutal deaths and disappearances lead back to an urban legend about a serial killing clown that has stalked the woods of Century Park for over a hundred years.
回复 :对于绝大多数中国人来说,"玄奘"这个人名非常陌生,人们熟悉的是《西游记》中的那个唐僧。《西游记》是中国文学史上的经典,经典的力量是勿庸置疑的。自明代吴承恩创作《西游记》以来,一个阴柔懦弱、性别不明的唐僧形象已经深深地铭刻在中国人的心里。在人们津津乐道于孙悟空的时候,唐僧的原型,玄奘却被扭曲、被误读。几个世纪的时间里,真实的玄奘越走越远,逐渐离开了中国人的视线,只剩下一个轮廓模糊的背影。公元2005年的冬天,在北京平安大街一个普通的茶馆,时间已过半夜。昏暗的灯光下,几个已近中年的男人眉飞色舞,几近痴狂之状。城市白日的喧嚣已经过去,疲惫的人们正在进入梦乡,街道上游荡着三三两两几个无眠的人。在这样的时刻,世俗的欲望和压迫都逐渐消退,多年不曾光顾的激情开始在昏暗的茶馆弥漫。血色逐渐爬上一张张原本菜色的脸,白天的矜持和理智不见了,青春似乎又一次降临。茶馆夜谈的主题正是玄奘,那个唐朝僧人在一千三百多年后点燃了我们久违的激情。玄奘生活在大唐,那是一个令中国人魂牵梦绕的时代。玄奘,以极富传奇色彩的一生,为那个充满了荣光的时代做出了最好的注脚。在即将步入中年的时候,我们做出了一个决定,重走玄奘之路。重走玄奘之路,去发现一个真实的玄奘;重走玄奘之路,去感悟一个大气磅礴的时代;重走玄奘之路,去寻找生命的真谛……
回复 :Series Eighteen starts airing on 29 January 2012 with seven episodes (not including the India Special),[1] following on from the 2011 Christmas special which aired on 28 December 2011.[2] In the special they take a route across India, the first of the many countries Top Gear plans to visit over the course of the new series, according to Jeremy Clarkson. Shooting in India began on 2 October, with the first leg of the shooting beginning in suburbs of Mumbai.[3][4] The show was also seen in Lecce, Italy with a Noble M600, McLaren MP4-12C and a Lamborghini Aventador.[5] Hammond announced during the Top Gear Live shows in Birmingham, that additional recordings for the new series had been done in the USA.The January 2012 edition of Top Gear Magazine featured a preview of what to expect in series 18.[6] It included a piece where Richard Hammond drives a NASCAR safety car for a real race, later going on to drive an actual NASCAR race car. The magazine also featured a part of some of the power tests to expect, including Jeremy Clarkson driving a Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Edition, a Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster and a Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale. Hammond meanwhile will drive a 2012 BMW M5 F10, and May will have a Vauxhall Corsa Nürburgring Edition. Another feature is going to China to test drive Chinese cars, Italy in 3 super-cars, Lamborghini Aventador, Noble M600 and a McLaren MP4-12C. Also James May is taking a trip to USA to test sports hybrid supercar Fisker Karma, meet ACDC frontman Brian Johnson and drive his 1928 Bentley Vanden Plas LeMans Tourer. According to Top Gear Executive Producer Andy Wilman, Clarkson, Hammond and May are going to northern Sweden as well, where they will race the new Ferrari FF across a Silverstone Circuit-shaped ice track. Also Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond will attempt to film a car chase sequence for The Sweeney.