影片聚焦警界传奇“三叉戟”组合——“大背头”崔铁军(黄志忠 饰)、岳父“大棍子”徐国柱(姜武 饰)、岳父“大喷子”潘江海(郭涛 饰)。三位警界老炮在临近退休之际,意外卷入一场惊心动魄的巨额金融大案!幕后黑手企图解冻数十亿资产,不惜雇佣黑道势力动用极端手段进行洗钱。一切的背后隐藏着更为错综复杂的罪恶网络与人脉关系。面对对手的诱惑与重重困难,“三叉戟”能否坚定信念,携手破获此案,将罪犯绳之以法?
影片聚焦警界传奇“三叉戟”组合——“大背头”崔铁军(黄志忠 饰)、岳父“大棍子”徐国柱(姜武 饰)、岳父“大喷子”潘江海(郭涛 饰)。三位警界老炮在临近退休之际,意外卷入一场惊心动魄的巨额金融大案!幕后黑手企图解冻数十亿资产,不惜雇佣黑道势力动用极端手段进行洗钱。一切的背后隐藏着更为错综复杂的罪恶网络与人脉关系。面对对手的诱惑与重重困难,“三叉戟”能否坚定信念,携手破获此案,将罪犯绳之以法?
回复 :The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Joplin’s life, from her performance at Monterey Pop in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Express in 1970, including interviews with relatives, friends and rock stars of her time. The soundtrack features Janis Joplin’s hits, among which Cry Baby, Mercedes Benz and Piece of My Heart. Amy Berg shows the woman behind the myth, other than the rock roll icon, unveils a gentle, innocent yet strong woman. Well known as rock icon, the personal story of Janis Joplin is very complex. Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.
回复 :14岁的小女孩克莉丝蒂(Brenna O'Brien 饰)驾车时不慎造成一场严重的车祸,她的精神受到严重刺激,而坐在旁边的姐姐维妮莎(卡莉·波普 Carly Pope 饰)也身负重伤。六个月后,维妮莎宣告不治身亡,克莉丝蒂的精神状态也进一步恶化,不得已她被送往康复医院治疗。在此期间,她接受大夫的建议,不断将自己那诡异的梦境画下来,时光在压抑的气氛中缓缓流逝。为参加葬礼,克莉丝蒂(Nora Zehetner 饰)返回了阔别已六年之久的家乡。当年的梦魇仍在继续,她受到姐夫及其家人的排斥,但是她始终认为姐姐的死另有隐情。克莉丝蒂偷偷展开调查,却发现这一连串罪恶的真相都与她多年来的噩梦息息相关……
回复 :随着一位有精神问题的“连环律师”的到来,化妆师“芬奇·达”平静的生活被打乱。在道德、法律与人性面前,他将面临艰难的抉择。A passionate make-up artist has his life turned upside down when a psychopathic "serial lawyer" takes an interest in his work - and has his moral compass put to test.