回复 :For Balduin, going out to beer parties with his fellow students and fighting out disputes at the tip of the sword have lost their charms. He wants to find love; but how would he, a penniless student, ever dare looking up to any woman worth of loving? Absorbed in his dreary thoughts and indifferent to the advances of Lyduschka, Balduin is unexpectedly offered a fortune by the mysterious money-lender Scapinelli - but on a strange condition...
回复 :
回复 :胡家庄年味渐淡,寒暑异常,舞狮少年罗川跳脱飞扬,异想天开,梦想把舞狮技艺发扬光大,却常常弄巧成拙,所到之处鸡飞狗跳,被村民视为“扫把星”,是村长胡长礼眼中的“危险分子”。年兽小五意外降临人间,大闹村庄,勾走了传家宝——狮头。罗川为找回狮头,和下凡捉年兽的鼠仙阿细相识,两人逐渐发现年兽并不可怕,可以和人类做朋友,但胡长礼爱村心切,被噬灵妖蛊惑,遁入疯魔,制造了一场针对年兽的阴谋,最终罗川和阿细联合村民,打败了噬灵妖,唤醒了胡长礼,胡家庄重归热闹,众人欢欢喜喜迎接春节到来。