回复 : 纽约侦探约翰·夏福特英勇强悍,他受命办理哈林区角头老大女儿的绑架案,却也因此和所有黑帮为敌。各路人马的对决,一触即发!
回复 :Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet.While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movie thrills, "Five" adopts a quiet, contemplative tone which some may find dull but which thoughtful viewers are more likely to find, for want of a better word, haunting. There is something about this movie which gets under the skin and which lurks in the corners of the mind long after it's over.
回复 :索菲亚·科波拉将执导新片《触礁》(On the Rocks),比尔·莫瑞、拉什达·琼斯主演,这将是苹果和A24合作的第一部电影,下月开拍。剧本由科波拉编写,讲述一个年轻妈妈和她有英雄色彩的父亲重新联系,在纽约展开一段冒险。