欧美Joel Kim Booster's first Netflix comedy special, talking about the cultural nuances of being Asian as he gets older and much more.
欧美Joel Kim Booster's first Netflix comedy special, talking about the cultural nuances of being Asian as he gets older and much more.
回复 :格斗高手安宇焕因一个神秘箱子的意外丢失,卷入了一场黑吃黑的纷争当中。嗜血如麻的黑帮杀手与他开始了一场你追我逐的亡命追杀,为解救相依为命的妹妹,安宇焕赤手空拳以一敌百,以自己的生命为赌注,迎来与黑帮老大的决一死战。这一次,安宇焕决定用自己的拳头去讨回最纯粹的公道,为正义而战!
回复 :Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are...
回复 :远山高良是日本着名艺术家,年逾古稀,其本人对SM虐文化的痴迷与造诣可谓颇深,但内心一直有所遗憾,总希望在临终前达成自己的一个秘密心愿。远山之妻静子(杉本彩饰)年轻貌美,温柔贤淑,一直对丈夫敬爱有加,并协助其完成工作。然而,远山年迈,心有余而力不足,二人性生活并不和谐。一次偶然与丈夫的交流,让静子得以一窥神秘的性虐文化,从此陷入无尽的幻觉之中。远山有一个学徒叫池上洋介(远藤宪一饰),身住巴黎,一直受远山资助,却多年完成不了一幅作品。远山派静子去巴黎要画,走入池上破旧颓败的公寓里,静子撞破池上与其妹妹的暧昧关系。性情暴躁的池上一直为无法创作而苦闷,美丽如画的静子一下给了他灵感。二人由敌意转为暧昧的情欲关系,而静子在给与池上艺术激情的同时,自己也开始一步步地体验性虐独特的美感与兴奋。就在二人沉醉的时候,危险却一步步袭来,静子不知这所有的一切其实只是个早已安排好的局......