回复 :戦国時代。妖怪から自分の体を取り返す旅をする少年百鬼丸と、泥棒の子供・どろろ。この2人の妖怪との戦いや、乱世の時代の人々との事件を描く。タイトルは1話 - 13話が『どろろ』、14話 - 26話が『どろろと百鬼丸』。1969年4月6日から同年9月28日までフジテレビ系にて毎週日曜日19時30分から20時に放送された。
回复 :This is the incredible true story of a little girl’s kidnap, her five year survival alone in the jungle…and the monkeys who saved her.A unique journey from feral child to modern day Grandma now living happily in Bradford, England.Marina Chapman doesn’t know her real name or her biological family.She claims that as a child in Colombia she was abducted and abandoned in the jungle, and that she survived by living alone with monkeys for five years.Now, fifty years later, Marina is returning to Colombia with her daughter to try and uncover the truth.Scientists will analyse her bones, test her subconscious responses, examine the inner workings of her mind and a leading primatologist will try and pick holes in her knowledge of monkeys and their behaviour.Who were her real family? Why was she kidnapped? Could a five year old girl really survive in the jungle so long in the company of monkeys? Is Marina Chapman a fantasist? Or was she truly raised by monkeys?What the journey uncovers is incredible. But do the experts give her the answers she’s been searching for? Or will they shoot her story down in flames?Find out in the Woman Raised By Monkeys.
回复 :小学生木之本樱(丹下樱 配音)是一个平凡的女孩,有一个温柔的爸爸木之本藤隆(田中秀幸 配音)和一个体贴的好友大道寺知世(岩男润子 配音)。一天,在父亲的书房中她发现了一本尘封已久的魔法书,并无意间解除了书上的封印,一只会说话的玩偶可鲁贝洛斯(久川绫 配音)出现在了她的面前。小可告诉她,自己是守护这本书的神兽,书中封印着名叫库洛牌的东西。现在,封印解除了,它要小樱成为库洛魔法师,它将协助她收复这些四处捣乱的库洛牌。隔天,小樱的班上转来了一个名叫李小狼(熊井素子 配音)的转学生,这个外表酷酷的男孩原来也是冲着库洛牌而来。 随着库洛牌的封印,越来越多的角色出现在了小樱的身边,而他们的真正目的,却还不得而知。