回复 :王永堂,在結婚時,同時愛上兩個女人(其實他最愛的是林玉芳),卻與張麗淑結婚。使得玉芳有情無份(地位),麗淑卻有份無情(愛情)……但是在兩房都生了三個孩子;因為對一方有情無份,對另一方又有份無情,所以最後只有離婚收場……
回复 :系列纪录片《西南联大》由徐蓓导演,由云南省委宣传部与中央新影集团联合出品,一共5集,每集52分钟,分别为《八音合奏》《刚毅坚卓》《大学之大》《火的洗礼》《嘉荫长留》。当晚展映了第一集《八音合奏》以及第五集《嘉荫长留》,讲述了西南联大由清华、北大、南开联合组建,“八音合奏,终和且平”的历史故事,展现和解读这所大学所具有的永恒魅力和精神力量。
回复 :Comedy series about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls. After hearing upsetting news from her dad, Viva decides to leave home and live with her friends.Some Girls is about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls who play on the same school football team and live on the same inner city estate. We join them on their bumpy journey through adolescence, taking in boys, sex, cliques, teachers, heartbreak, fun and even some football along the way.At the heart of the comedy is Viva (Adelayo Adedayo), whose ambition is to stay motivated and go to college. She lives with her dad Rob (Colin Salmon) and her stepmother Anna (Dolly Wells), a New Zealander who also happens to be Viva's sadistic PE teacher.Viva is great friends with Holli (Natasha Jonas) whose entertaining, violent outbursts are legendary. Saz (Mandeep Dhillon) and Amber (Alice Felgate) complete the gang. They talk about everything from history homework to their ambitions in life. They share everything: their clothes, their moods, their secrets and - occasionally - their mothers' tranquillisers.