回复 :改编自Neil Simon经典喜剧,由马修派瑞担任制片、编剧并主演。“Odd Couple”讲述的是两位大学校友在各自经历了离婚风波后,同住一间公寓成为室友的故事。
回复 :October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 4Episode # Air Date# Guests4-01 11/Sep/98 Vic Reeves, Chris Moyles, Bill Bailey, James Broad4-02 18/Sep/98 Glenn Gregory, Bez, Tony Wright, Bob Mills4-03 08/Sep/98 Neil Hannon, Emmy-Kate Montrose, Tom Robinson, Keith Chegwin4-04 02/Oct/98 Sophie Ellis Bextor, Sean Cullen, Ken McAlpine, Jayne Middlemiss4-05 09/Oct/98 Tommy Scott, Mani, Jo Brand, Matthew Marsden4-06 16/Oct/98 Mel Giedroyc, Arthur Smith, Mark Chadwick, Jimmy Constable
回复 :大空银行是一家大银行,区域分行长野崎修平(织田裕二)被银行提拔到监査的位置,将来有机会进入高层。而他现在的工作,就是找出银行内各种不正当行为。他所面对的是,银行行长京极雅彦(古谷一行),京极的得力助手 武田真吾(岸谷五朗),以及具有野心的菁英银行员 立川祥子(松嶋菜菜子)。面对银行内的巨大黑暗,野崎修平能否坚持他的正义?