回复 :非洲象已不足40万头,而中国是第一大非法象牙消费市场。为打击非法象牙交易,一连串行动展开,致力保育非洲的野生动物。
回复 :这是一个发生于九十年代罗马的奥斯蒂亚镇的故事,彼时享乐主义统治的世界充斥着金钱、豪车、夜总会与合成毒品。二十多岁的童年好友维托里奥和凯撒也正为之而奋斗。但即使是生存,其成本也超过他们的负担。在凯撒不断堕落至无药可救的路上,维托里奥毅然决然地抛弃了他。然而,令他们没有想到的是,两人彼此之间的纽带是那么的紧密,以至于前者其实从未将后者放弃……(小易甫字幕组)
回复 :Two sisters on the cusp of adulthood, Elle and Joy, spend their last week before embarking on their next music tour visiting friends and preparing for the going away party they intend to host. Their apprehensions about throwing the party are universally validated when their divorced mother and father as well as both of their ex-boyfriends converge on the party, leaving tragedy in the wake of what they had envisioned as a unifying celebration. In the aftermath of this fateful night, Elle and Joy are left with the sobering yet liberating truth that they can only rely on one another.