回复 :Race Across The World, a new six-part series for BBC Two, will pit pairs of travellers against each other in a race to reach the Far East without taking a single flight, with no smartphone in sight. Each contestant will only have the cash equivalent of an air fare to their destination to pay for their overland travel. If they run out, they'll need to earn more.Setting out on the adventure of a lifetime, the couples will hit the open road using whatever mode of transport they can - from trains to pickup trucks, from ferries to tuk-tuks - crossing continents and experiencing travel the way we once used to.And the race is on to reach the finish line in the fastest time, making best use of their money - and strategy - to win a cash prize. This flightless race will allow the teams time to savour some of the world’s most beautiful and astonishing scenery, which the modern-day traveller seldom gets to see.Each couple has their own personal motivation for taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience, immersing themselves in different cultures, forming bonds and friendships across cultural divides and relying on the kindness of strangers in order to stand the best chance of winning the competition.
回复 :深水透子(深川芹亚 配音)是一位看似平凡的高中三年级学生,因为家中经营着一间玻璃工厂,所以,可以反射影像的玻璃在透子的生活中随处可见。从很小的时候,透子便发现自己拥有一些神奇的能力,可以从玻璃的反射中看到莫名的影像,只是透子并不知道这些影像究竟代表了什么。某一天,一位名叫冲仓驱(逢坂良太 配音)的转学生出现在了透子的身边,驱告诉透子,自己和她有着相同的经历,只是透子看到的是影像,而他则能够听到声响,这些影像和声响结合起来,便成为了能够预示未来的残片。当发现未来并不如想象中那样美好之时,透子和驱会做出怎样的选择呢?
回复 :一档以R1SE男团11位成员为主的偶像团综,11位少年将化身为动物园志愿饲养员,进行实习饲养员体验工作,并相互配合帮助完成每一件挑战任务,呼吁大家一起关爱野生动物,一起度过成团周年的欢乐夏日时光。7月5日起,每周日12:00更新,共8期。