回复 :四十年前以凌厉音效先声夺人,惊吓声威至今仍非同凡响。以疯人院板球赛的倒叙展开,前卫音乐家(尊赫)与妻子居于宁静村庄,不速之客一日突然到访。神秘男子(阿伦卑斯)自称在澳洲内陆杀死妻儿,并学会土著巫术,能以呐喊置人于死地。在海岸沙丘上张臂一呼,令音乐家崩倒,牧羊人与羊群丧命;魅惑亦令妻子迷倒,取代男主人位置。瘫痪孩子、斜倚裸女与主教头像,培根三幅扭曲人像呈现三个主角的畸零病态;文明与原始、理性与荒谬、真实与虚幻的对峙,在杜比音响下环回扩张,令诡异惊栗加倍撼人心魄。
回复 :索菲·安德森是一家腐败制药公司知识产权案的首席律师。当她的导师兼老板布鲁斯·亨肖被绑架时,索菲成了一个精心策划的小卒,这个阴谋危及了她的案件,甚至更多。苏菲与时间赛跑,为了救布鲁斯,逃掉那些设陷阱诱捕她的致命陷阱。
回复 :Someone downloads an app on your phone behind your back. It looks like an augmented reality game, but soon you realize it's an app that connects to the world of the dead, which allows you to see the dead through the camera of the phone. On the screen you see a countdown timer starting from 24 hours and before it reaches zero, you have to download the app to someone else's phone to earn 24 more hours. And you must do it every single day. What would you do? Would you continue passing this curse and condemning other people?