私生Ice Bear tries to fall asleep but the door to his fridge won't close. He tries to come up with a fix for it in any manner possible, no matter how elaborate.
私生Ice Bear tries to fall asleep but the door to his fridge won't close. He tries to come up with a fix for it in any manner possible, no matter how elaborate.
回复 :“阿黄”和“阿红”是两只臭屁虫,住在一幢被摩天大楼包围着的老房子里。对他们俩而言,人类留下的廉价食物给他们带来了厨房体验,老房子里的老物什更是他们完美的玩物。他们互相打闹,争抢着那些人类不需要的东西,也一起被老屋中的宠物狗或者鹦鹉追赶。暴躁的“阿红”和贪吃的“阿黄”日复一日地上演着滑稽搞笑的生存游戏。
回复 :大启泰顺年间,太子封瑾琰常年卧病药石罔效,皇帝别无他法请国师伍年行招魂之法。却没想到伍年招来的,是九百年前开国太子封无豫的魂魄。随着种种事件的超能展开,一场延续了900年的覆国阴谋逐渐浮出水面。
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