无码In the post-apocalyptic world of 1960s Nevada, a rock 'n' roll samurai on his way to Lost Vegas takes a young orphan boy under his protection as Death and his metalhead Horsemen chase after them.
无码In the post-apocalyptic world of 1960s Nevada, a rock 'n' roll samurai on his way to Lost Vegas takes a young orphan boy under his protection as Death and his metalhead Horsemen chase after them.
回复 :一名卧底警察奉命调查约翰内斯堡一起重大黄金抢劫案,并被迫在良知与法律之间做出选择。
回复 :默文的作家男友为了死后的名誉,写完新小说后自杀身亡。而默文掩盖了真相,她早已厌倦在超市里卖水果的乏味生活,拿走了男友的钱,把小说冠以自己的名字投稿,随后和唯一的好友一起前往阳光灿烂的西班牙,但旅行并没像想象中那样让她快乐起来……
回复 :以“审判者”自居的神秘杀手Darker,制造了数起轰动全城的预告杀人案。凡是收到他“死亡通知单”的人,都将按照上面写的日期被残忍杀害。为尽快破案,警察罗飞(张智霖 饰),爆炸案目击者黄少平(古天乐 饰),专案组韩灏(吴镇宇 饰)一起入局。Darker究竟是谁?真相不断在反转,惊人的秘密逐渐浮出水面……