回复 :Tam(张耀扬)是警界公认的破案之神,每次办案也会全情投入,六亲不认。Tam的成就令许多同事又羡又妒,当中亦包括与他份属好友的拍档收音基(王合喜)。Tam唯一的弱点是性情暴戾,不懂抒发情绪,这或许跟他的感情生活一塌糊涂有关,结婚五年的他只顾工作,从没理会妻子莉君(张文慈)的感受,到令双方关系淡如白开水。一天,Tam与莉君回母校出席千禧时间廊的开启典礼,却发现时间廊内藏着一具男尸。
回复 :该片讲述了一名前拳击手因受政府黑幕而在比赛中失败并退出拳击,无奈成为训练女拳击手的教练,但之后却被使绊而独自一人来到连基础设施都不完善的钦奈。然而,其在无意中发现了一位在拳击上具有优秀天赋的小渔民,并耗费精力对她尽心培训,最后带领自己的新队员拿下冠军,实现自己梦想的故事。
回复 :Six Characters is possibly the most highly anticipated Thai film this year, not least of all for its star-studded cast. On a shooting set filled with tension, a nervous director (Mario Maurer) tries to shoot a horror movie. The willful cast of actors is no help. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, explaining that they are the characters of the script left by a dead screenwriter. The director laughs at the strangers at first but eventually begins to get carried away by the compelling family story they tell. Director M.L. Bhandevanov Devakula, who also visited Busan in 2011 with Eternity, is a director who is talented depicting eroticism with intense emotions as well as adaptation as in the Jan Dara series. Six Characters, an adaptation of Italian playwriter Luigi Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author, spotlights the director’s strengths and vision.