回复 :剧情讲述的是一个野心勃勃的女仆因为嫉妒把女主人推入大海后意图取代她,二十年后,两人的儿女相遇相爱后发生的故事
回复 :本剧是以HY的名曲《366日》的世界观为灵感而创作的宏大爱情故事,讲述了28岁的雪平明日香参加高中同学会的时候与曾经喜欢的同学水野遥斗重逢。在两人得知他们当时是互相暗恋之后,决定在时过境迁的12年后开始交往,但有天遥斗遭遇了意想不到的悲剧,陷入了昏迷的重病中。明日香陪在没有醒来的他身边,想起了那些已经遗忘的遥斗和同学们的往日时光…
回复 :Mari (Marina Vlady) runs a boardinghouse for girls who are in trouble, and Juli (Lili Monori) is a young married woman who is fleeing her passionate marriage with an uncontrollable alcoholic. She has brought her young daughter along with her. Though this is not allowed under the house rules, Mari makes an exception for Juli. Both women are desperately unfulfilled - Mari has a narrow-minded and passionless man for a husband, and Juli still loves her husband, whom she recognizes as a person she cannot continue living with. The two turn to each other for comfort, and each woman gains necessary insights into her own life in seeing the other's struggles. This sober movie by feminist director Marta Meszaros was not a rousing box-office success.