逃兵Nine-year old Eunhee anxiously prepares for her recorder exam as she struggles to find a place within her own family.
逃兵Nine-year old Eunhee anxiously prepares for her recorder exam as she struggles to find a place within her own family.
回复 :费尔南多(卢卡斯·帕帕 Lucas Papa 饰)决定和班上的同学们前往布宜诺斯艾利斯度假,这是一场特殊的狂欢,因为到场的都是男生,女生们被拒之门外,如此一来,男孩子们便可以聚在一起,毫无顾忌的说说他们的心里话,甚至可以脱个精光,在岸边晒太阳。卢克(尼古拉斯·巴索夫 Nicolás Barsoff 饰)、里奥(弗朗西斯科·贝尔坦 Francisco Bertín 饰)、马克西(阿图罗·弗鲁托斯 Arturo Frutos 饰)和胡安(安德烈斯·加瓦达 Andrés Gavaldá 饰)等人都加入了这场派对,但费尔南多还感觉不够,他邀请了跆拳道班的格曼(加布里埃尔·爱泼斯坦 Gabriel Epstein 饰)加入了他们的队伍,哪知道格曼是一名同性恋者,他的到来给这些男孩之间的关系带来了微妙的变化。
回复 :Tells the story of Barbara Lisicki and Alan Holdsworth, two disabled cabaret artists who met in1989 and became the driving force behind Direct Action Network - whose protests pushed disability rights into the spotlight.
回复 :刚转进新高中,生性害羞的他,遭到所有同学的霸凌,除了一个人以外;然而,他的新朋友却拥有黑暗且深具感染力的观点