回复 :Green Wing is an award-winning British sitcom set in the fictional East Hampton Hospital.There are no medical storylines; the action is produced by a series of soap opera-style twists and turns in the personal lives of the characters. They proceed through a series of often absurd sketch-like scenes, or by sequences where the film is slowed down or sped up, often emphasising the body language of the characters.Imdb:8.9/10
回复 :退伍归来的卢尹泽(池城 饰)心心念念着曾经的初恋情人,然而几经寻找都以无果告终。本来想成为教师的卢尹泽在舅舅的推荐之下来到了夜总会做服务员,本来打算不干的卢尹泽却意外发现了初恋情人的踪影,她正是姜银波(韩佳人 饰)。然而,令卢尹泽感到万分沮丧的是,姜银波此时已经有了同居男友,两人正打算结婚,卢尹泽选择将这份感情深深埋藏在心底。姜银波的姐姐姜金波(蔡时那 饰)嫁给了小有名气的律师陈正翰(李钟原 饰),当起了风风光光的全职太太,哪知道陈正翰有了外遇,经济不独立的姜金波只能将苦水往肚子里咽,继续维持着这不堪的婚姻。
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