回复 :Inspired by true life events, in the Oyo Empire in the 1940's, Elesin Oba, the king's chief horseman, succumbs to the lure of beauty and sexual desire on the very evening he is set to die in order to fulfil his lifelong debt of ritual suicide to accompany the dead Alaafin to the realm of the ancestors, he derails from a very important generational and spiritual transaction. This sets in motion a series of catastrophic consequences, in a spell-binding film of emotions, humour, and tragic role reversals that puts ancient beliefs and customs on trial in an ever increasingly post-modern and Western world.
回复 :讲述的是在解放战争时期,国民党内部潜伏着一名中共特工代号“女王”。情报局长为了揪出“女王”,组织集训,要找出这名女特工。从剧情上看,该片与《风声》有着极高的相似之处,只是所有的特工全换成了女生,由艾美奖最佳女主角何琳带领新生代演员杨蓉、阚清子、高蓓蓓、王艺瞳“五朵金花”出演,堪称女版《风声》。汤镇业饰演的是一名老奸巨猾的国民党某情报局局长赵中耀,为了抓捕代号“女王”,他不惜牺牲自己的亲人,但却在和“女王”明争暗斗的周旋中耗尽心力。
回复 :TomCathcart在消防队工作了25年,退休之后,他希望和爱妻开心地度过退休时光。为此他绞尽脑汁,千方百计把奇懒无比、赖在家里不愿独立生活的20多岁的儿子赶出家门。