欧美A graduating high schooler navigates a world of seemingly inevitable chaos by finding order in the number 7.
欧美A graduating high schooler navigates a world of seemingly inevitable chaos by finding order in the number 7.
回复 :PG-13An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths. The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever assembled. But not even the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and all their fellow superheroes can slow down the onslaught of this invincible horde. What mysterious force is driving them? And how do the long-buried secrets of the Monitor and Supergirl threaten to crush our last defense?
回复 :森波罗星的八岁孩子宝狄为了救出被猫咪多星的侵略者抓走的妈妈,踏上了冒险之旅。途中他结识了玲玲、飞少、亨妮、高弟、娇儿、安美、艾峰等几个伙伴,相同的命运使这些性格迥异的孩子走到一起。[1]八个孩子通过了能量区神兽的测试,分别拥有了光、火、沙、金、木、水、风、电的属性,正式成为魔法保护区的魔法勇士。一路上,宝狄与好友们遇到什么艰难险阻?他们又是如何化解层层危机的?正邪交锋之际,他们能否打败入侵者潘百达,完成拯救家园和同伴...
回复 :黑魔王从星际监狱逃脱了!他魔王重获自由的第一件事,就是直捣星际判官的家,报当年被判入狱之仇,星猫眼睁睁地看着父母在战斗中,掉进无垠的银河深处。为了拯救父母,惩罚黑魔王,星猫决定跟好友小卷,一路尾随黑魔王的足迹来到了地球。