回复 :故事讲述私家侦探哈柏应聘至纽奥尔良一大地主家庭调查一封告密信,由于牵涉入大地主与石油大王之间的斗争中,几乎因而丧命。该片拍来有点造作,但节奏仍算流畅爽朗,其中哈柏与石油大王之妻被关在水室而几乎没顶的高潮戏拍得相当紧凑刺激。
回复 :A documentary about writer and director Brian De Palma.
回复 :Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible, Mickey is something we all share, with unique memories and feelings. Over the course of his nearly century-long history, Mickey functions like a mirror, reflecting our personal and cultural values back at us.