回复 :John Forbes is a family man who's tired of the 9 to 5 humdrum of his job an insurance company executive. Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls upon femme fatale Mona Stevens. Her boyfriend has embezzled from a store insured by Forbes' company and has showered her with gifts using the loot. Forbes comes to collect the ill-gotten gifts, but the boyfriend is in jail, and Forbes falls hard for Mona and begins an affair. The only problem is that MacDonald, a private dick who freelances for the insurance company, has had his eyes on Mona first. The obsessed MacDonald turns the soon-to-be-released boyfriend against Forbes.
回复 :由甘肃省文联副主席尕藏才旦等作家创作的数字电影《生死金天鹅》,日前在甘南卓尼县开机,这部影片也是我省为建党90周年献礼而拍摄的。该片由甘肃省委宣传部,甘肃广播电影电视总台,北京沃森影视文化交流公司,甘南州委、州政府,卓尼县委、县政府,兰州电影制片厂联合摄制。影片讲述了红军长征从四川翻雪山过草地后即将进入甘南藏区期间发生的故事。
回复 :活泼风趣的阿根廷喜剧演员“索伊·拉达”奥古斯汀·亚里斯塔兰回来了!这次他将畅谈家庭、育儿、魔法及音乐。