大话On his chest a mysterious tattoo – «XIII». He is still a former intelligence official, who is on the run from an underground organization, trying to regain his lost memory and open it’s true face. Now on his way new obstacles...
大话On his chest a mysterious tattoo – «XIII». He is still a former intelligence official, who is on the run from an underground organization, trying to regain his lost memory and open it’s true face. Now on his way new obstacles...
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回复 :郁彩玲(佘诗曼 饰)第一天去护校上课就遭遇同宿舍室友高晓岚(康子妮 饰)的高傲,然而简单直率的她并不介意。郁玲拥有一个幸福的家庭,父母开火锅店,生活美满快乐。而晓岚的父亲和两个兄长都是著名的医生,她想以护士为踏脚石考入医科。男学护容德基(陈键峰 饰)与晓岚在预科时就已认识,并对晓岚十分倾慕。然而高傲的晓岚拒绝了基的爱情。彩玲的热心劝慰令基感动,对工作同样积极对生活同样充满热情的两个人终于相爱。晓岚却在医生考试中落榜,更可怕的是她患上了基性肾病,在基的照顾下,她感受到了护士的伟大,同时也发现自己爱上了基……
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