回复 :影片由凯文·哥兹与迈克尔·哥兹执导,讲述年轻的警长诺曼(思韦茨饰),发现自己的哥哥罗伊(罗伯森饰)深陷人命要案后,选择包庇哥哥的罪行,等待兄弟俩的,也是充满危险,步步为营的命运。
回复 :戴蒙德上校被告知停止监视黑帮头子布朗,因为这种监视耗费过多的金钱,并且没有取得效果。戴蒙德唯有尝试通过布朗的女友来获得针对布朗的证据。
回复 :In The Nightmare, director Rodney Ascher (Room 237) has done just that. The film explores the condition commonly referred to as “sleep paralysis.” That’s a condition where someone is in bed, but totally physically immobilized. Some who suffer from the condition – including the eight subjects in this documentary – feel they are visited by something evil during these periods. Ascher lets these subjects tell their stories, then we watch them play out on screen. It’s absolutely horrifying, if not wholly rewarding.