回复 :《星电音联盟》衍生节目,记录选手海岛日常,幕后花絮。
回复 :十七岁的桐山零(河西健吾 配音)是一名将棋棋士,悲惨的童年遭遇让他自幼便失去了家人,这么多年来一直背负着沉重的记忆独自生活,长此以往,零已经习惯了压抑自己的感情,在心房周围筑起了无法撼动的高墙。某日,零邂逅了川本家的三姐妹——温柔体贴,擅长照顾他人的大姐川本明里(茅野爱衣 配音)、个性开朗乐观,非常不擅长料理家事的二姐川本日向(花泽香菜 配音)和还在上托儿所稚气未脱的小妹川本桃(久野美咲 配音)。三姐妹的出现让零再度感受到了家的温暖,找回了久违的快乐。与此同时,二海堂晴信(冈本信彦 配音)、三角龙雪(杉田智和 配音)和松本一砂(本村昂 配音)等强劲对手的出现,亦令零燃起了对将棋的热爱于斗志。©豆瓣
回复 :The 67th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards honored the best in U.S. prime time television programming from June 1, 2014 until May 31, 2015, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The ceremony was held on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at the Microsoft Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, California, and broadcast in the U.S. by Fox. Andy Samberg hosted the show for the first time. The nominations were announced on July 16, 2015.