《街舞要ONE MORE》第三季是《这!汤姆就是街舞5》的衍生节目,汤姆包含当期节目预告以及一周衍生节目《街舞全纪录》,《一起火锅吧》第三季,《街舞营业中》《翻滚吧!街舞宇宙》的看点,同时还会放出独家的幕后花絮,《街舞要ONE MORE》让观众提前快速了解街舞一周节目的内容。
《街舞要ONE MORE》第三季是《这!汤姆就是街舞5》的衍生节目,汤姆包含当期节目预告以及一周衍生节目《街舞全纪录》,《一起火锅吧》第三季,《街舞营业中》《翻滚吧!街舞宇宙》的看点,同时还会放出独家的幕后花絮,《街舞要ONE MORE》让观众提前快速了解街舞一周节目的内容。
回复 :全国首个囊括了脱口秀、漫才、sketch(素描喜剧)的多品类喜剧综合盛会。旨在召集全国喜剧行业各个赛道的优质演员们同台汇演,携手为观众呈现一场轻松愉快的喜剧派对,在为大家带来各类喜剧快乐的同时,也给天南海北的喜剧人们一个温馨聚会、互相交流的机会。
回复 :My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their unique sound. The competition winner will receive a life-changing prize from Apple Music, receiving unprecedented support and exposure on the platform.
回复 :在这个竞赛节目中,一群金属艺术家对硬化钢进行焊割、切割和焊接,倾心打造炫酷作品。五万美元大奖终将花落谁家?