回复 :在《两个遥远的陌生人》中,漫画家卡特·詹姆斯多次试图回家陪伴爱犬,却被一次又一次的致命遭遇阻挠,糟糕的一天开始周而复始地上演。
回复 :In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
回复 :巴西里约热内卢的贫民窟,这里是“上帝之城”,更是魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方。阿炮(Alexandre Rodrigues 饰)带着我们到了这里,他见证了这里二十多年来被残暴、贪婪、复仇、野心、背叛、掠夺所裹挟的混乱生活以及最终导致的一场灾难性的黑帮争斗。虽然从小就要 辗转于匪徒间求生存,但胆小怕事的性格与自我保护的本能却使他一直能平安度日。60年代初,阿毛、阿夹和阿呆是这里的“少年三侠”,在抢劫完旅馆之后,他们三人分道扬镳,阿夹重回上帝的怀抱,而阿呆和阿毛纷纷付出了生命的代价。70年,当年“少年三侠”手下的小弟小豆子(Douglas Silva 饰)靠着自己的心狠手辣,不停地吞并别人的地盘,成为了贫民区的“小霸王”,生意也从抢劫升级到了更为暴利的毒品买卖,和他一起飞黄腾达的还有班尼(Phellipe Haagensen 饰)。班尼认识了美丽的安迪丽卡(Alice Braga 饰),准备归隐,在送别的晚会上,他意外被对头杀害,悲痛之下,“小霸王”集合人手给班尼报仇,帮派之间的厮杀就此开始。此时的阿炮,机缘巧合下成为了杂志社的见习摄影师,他的相机,照下的却是孩子们持枪荷弹的狰狞,和帮派间无休无止的仇杀。