回复 :影片讲述大卫(海姆斯沃斯饰)在海伦娜镇调查谋杀案时,却惊人发现了20年前杀害自己父亲的凶手亚伯罕(哈里森饰)。亚伯罕也将与大卫上演一出精彩对抗。
回复 :一具不完整的年轻女性尸体被发现在公墓遭到活埋,该名女子被众人视作能治百病的圣人。警探们深入调查她神圣的名誉背后,其实信仰、迷信、诈欺之间只有一线之隔。
回复 :In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back..