在美国洛杉矶夜店工作的马克(马东石 饰),一直梦想在腕力比赛中成为世界冠军,被自认是他经纪人的晋基(权律 饰)说服,回到韩国参加全国腕力大赛。除了比赛之外,晋基还送了从小被领养到美国的马克亲生母亲住家地址当做回国礼物。不过,马克只遇见从没见过面的妹妹秀珍(韩艺利 饰)和她的 一双儿女。在晋基牵线下,马克参加非法的腕力比赛。面对腕力怪物强敌环伺,在家人的支持下,马克能够一圆冠军梦吗?
在美国洛杉矶夜店工作的马克(马东石 饰),一直梦想在腕力比赛中成为世界冠军,被自认是他经纪人的晋基(权律 饰)说服,回到韩国参加全国腕力大赛。除了比赛之外,晋基还送了从小被领养到美国的马克亲生母亲住家地址当做回国礼物。不过,马克只遇见从没见过面的妹妹秀珍(韩艺利 饰)和她的 一双儿女。在晋基牵线下,马克参加非法的腕力比赛。面对腕力怪物强敌环伺,在家人的支持下,马克能够一圆冠军梦吗?
回复 :艾瑞(Dennis Alexio 饰)是一名技术精湛的拳击运动员,在和泰国拳王唐波的对决中,轻敌的艾瑞不仅遭遇了惨败,还落下了残疾就此告别了拳坛。科特(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)是艾瑞的弟弟,哥哥的不幸遭遇让他的内心充满了愤怒,他决定向唐波寻仇。科特找到了武林高手西安(陈国新 饰),拜他为师学习泰拳。福瑞迪(李家鼎 饰)是当地出了名的恶霸,人人看见他都要绕着道走。因为美丽的姑娘麦莉(Rochelle Ashana 饰),科特和福瑞迪之间结下了梁子,福瑞迪知道了科特的身份,于是派出唐波和他再度站在了擂台之上。就在比赛即将开始之际,科特得知福瑞迪绑架了艾瑞。
回复 :故事改编自以撒辛格的短篇小说,描述犹太人女子杨朵在二十世纪初的东欧为了追求梦想而女扮男装求学的故事。在20世纪初,家住东欧的犹太女孩燕特尔非常好学,但当地的风俗禁止女孩上学,于是她只好女扮男装。在学校,有一个男生跟她很要好,但他俩的关系涉及到性取向错乱的议题。
回复 :核试验科教记录片。是自人类发明原子弹、氢弹以来的各种核爆炸记录,采访了许多美国参与核试验的专家,非常珍贵的第一手资料。著名的“小男孩”(广岛)和“胖男人”(长崎)就在这里,不可不看!On July 16, 1945, at a site called Trinity, a plutonium bomb was assembled and brought to the top of a tower. The bomb was detonated, producing an intense flash and a fireball that expanded to 600 meters in two seconds. The explosive power was equivalent to 18.6 kilotons of TNT. It grew to a height of more than 12 kilometers, boiling up in the shape of a mushroom. Forty seconds later, the blast of air from the bomb reached the observation bunkers, along with a long and deafening roar of sound. And so began the ATOMIC AGE..."Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage depicting in graphic detail these powerful and awesome weapons. Many scenes were restored with an Academy Award® winning process created to restore the color.Director/producer Peter Kuran, traveled throughout the U.S. to locate footage that includes bombs being suspended by balloon, exploding under the ocean, being shot from a cannon and detonated in outer space.