火线An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
火线An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
回复 :二十年前在重庆。一群流亡学生在沙坪坝上学。其中包括何慕天,小罗,王孝城,和号称“沙坪坝之花”的李梦竹。梦竹有个严厉的母亲,她阻挠不了梦竹与慕天的来往,终于监禁了梦竹,慕天来访她,却被她母亲哄骗说她巳出嫁成都,慕天坚持不信,天天来访,终于感动奶妈,帮助她们出走,叮嘱他们要竭诚相爱,永不变心……(图片为20年后何慕天与女儿霜霜一起吃早饭)
回复 :九岁的小女孩Katie和父亲一起开始自己美国公路的旅行,在整个旅行的过程中,Katie遭遇到不同的情况,也发现了生活的酸甜苦ddd。尽管他们遇到一些困难,但Katie和父亲之间感情却是十分美好。直到他们被卷进一个绑架儿童的案件中后,事情发展越来越恶化,Katie又会遭遇什么呢?
回复 :本片讲述了主人公沈平为了减轻女友绢子的经济负担,到准备高考的小薇家中当家教,在与之相处中,两人的情感发生了微妙的变化。沈平面临着娟子与小薇,将做出选择会是怎样的……