回复 :Two millennials get into a relationship where they are allowed to meet only on 'Tuesdays & Fridays'.
回复 :伊拉克战争时期,来自美国德州的19岁技术兵比利·林恩(乔·阿尔文 Joe Alwyn 饰)因为一段偶然拍摄的视频而家喻户晓。那是一次规模不大却激烈非常的遭遇战,战斗中林恩所在的B班班长(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)遭到当地武装分子的伏击和劫持,而林恩为了营救班长不惜铤而走险冲锋陷阵。视频公布于世让他成为全美民众所崇拜的英雄,然而却鲜有人理解他和战友们所经历的一切。为了安葬班长,B班得到了短暂的休假,因此他们得以受邀参加一场在德州举行的橄榄球比赛。林恩的姐姐因某事件深感愧疚,她希望弟弟能借此机缘回归普通生活。而周围的经纪人、球迷、大老板、普通民众则对战争、卫国、士兵有着各种各样想当然的理解。球场上的庆典盛大开幕,林恩和战友们的心却愈加沉重与焦躁……本片根据作家本·方丹(Ben Fountain)的同名小说改编。
回复 :To chase her dream of going to school in her remote Himalayan village, a feisty paraplegic girl locks horns with her tradition-bound grandfather.Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic after an accident. She's confined to life indoors in the company of her strict grandfather, Dorje. Chuskit continues to harbor hopes of school but Dorje tries to make her understand that school can't handle her needs. As life at home gets harder, her battle with her grandfather exacerbates. Caught in between their struggle are Chuskit's parents and her enterprising brother who want to respect the old world views that Dorje represents, but also want to keep Chuskit's spirit alive. Chuskit will have to get her grandfather to yield or she will have to accept the reality he has chosen for her.