回复 :概要史东那城市到处都有因魔力而动的魔偶,在这里的两位伯爵海建与葛拉尼欧正在争夺城镇的主导权。於是两人达成协议要以魔偶对决来决定一切。生在魔偶工匠家族的不幸少女莱雅,因家中父兄两人的不合而伤透脑筋。其父兄两人也莫名地卷入这场城主之争,并且竟然做出莉娜和娜卡的魔偶!究竟史东那城市真正的未来与和平是否真的会到来呢?
回复 :Here we go again! Not only is it time for 20 fresh episodes of soul-pummelling, mind-blowing, award-winning stop-motion sketch comedy funnedlled from the colono of the ADULT SWIM late-night hypno-hellacious sock hop, it's also time for more words on the back of the DVD describing the contents within! Words words words words! in the industry, we call it ' Box copy' !YEAH BABY - BOX COPY STRAIGHT UP YOUR ASS!
回复 :反对Salem的盟军比以往任何时候都需要团结起来。 但是在Ironwood拒绝继续疏散Mantle之后,我们的英雄们需要选择一条新的前进道路-只要他们能达成共识