回复 :Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob. Written by Ed Stephan {stephan@cc.wwu.edu}Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder. Written by Gabe Taverney (duke1029@aol.com)
回复 :《爱阡陌》是由导演、编剧、制片人杨焱钧力推类型片的制作模式倾力打造的一部电影,讲述了三个同居一室的女孩不同的价值观、道德观衍生的情爱命运,可谓爱恨交织,情路纵横,美丽的女孩苏半一心谋创业,但她却经营一个信仰:帮助更多的山区孩子。在她创业之初,遇到了道貌岸然却差点强暴她的金融人士于奋。苏半用自己的善良伶俐决不屈服换来了于奋的支持和尊重。她的表妹真木是大学校园里清纯的舞者,和一心弘扬国粹的嘉轩演绎的一段浪漫的爱情故事,真木的任性和女神气质彻底征服了嘉轩。夏点是个演员,为了名利不折手段,甘心委身主办选美大赛的老皮,而且一再欺骗痴恋她的茶艺师汪前,汪前为了惩戒她,设局把她抛进了工厂车间的大坑里,汪前于夏点展开了一场人性于道义的审判。当苏半等人赶来救助夏点时,汪前头也不回的走了,身后传来夏点凄厉的呼唤。此片由北京大元昆昂国际传媒有限公司独家出品。
回复 : 夜色中的兰桂坊是享乐主义者的领域,聚合了各色人物于此寻欢作乐:阿公(单立文 饰)是帮派头目出身,如今夜夜笙歌,颇得坊间年轻人信服敬重;Jacky(陈柏宇 饰)始乱终弃,面对可能怀孕的玩伴女,如今只想摆脱;酒商销售经理Steven(沈志明 饰)夜店偶遇空姐Jennifer(连诗雅 饰),出面为其挡酒导致醉倒,Jennifer送Steven回家并顺理成章发生了一夜情,二人在一起颇感默契有趣,有意将关系维系,谁知Steven误会Jennifer与他人有染,导致后者离他而去。Steven难以忘记Jennifer,在新年派对上拒绝了其他女孩的示爱。三个月后,Steven再遇Jennifer,然而此时,她已是老板Leslie(恭硕良 饰)的女友……