智恩决定为桑宇的儿子桑宇当家教,手机以确保他有一个有钱的男朋友。 补习开始后,手机被姐姐慧兰(Hye-ran)踢倒的相佑(Sang-woo)被结识了自学的智恩(Ji-eun)所吸引。 有一天,相佑目睹了父亲和...
智恩决定为桑宇的儿子桑宇当家教,手机以确保他有一个有钱的男朋友。 补习开始后,手机被姐姐慧兰(Hye-ran)踢倒的相佑(Sang-woo)被结识了自学的智恩(Ji-eun)所吸引。 有一天,相佑目睹了父亲和...
回复 :In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines.The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.
回复 :在美国这个自称以法律治国的国度,逐年激增的犯罪率仍令警方大伤脑筋。而那些服役多年的老警察和血气方刚的年轻警察却会因一些“过激”行为丢掉工作,甚至被关进牢狱。面对此种境况以特种警察杰克为首的一些曾经受到处分的警察自发组成了一支突击队,他们不顾法律的约束,除掉了一个又一个社会毒瘤。为此联邦调查局特派库珀特工对几起凶杀案件进行立案调查,库珀在海伦督察的帮助下,几经周折,终于查出了这些带着警徽的凶手。
回复 :洛城警署探员山姆,在一次绑架案中因怀疑市长女儿涉案而被迫暂时离职,使得原本拮据的生活更是雪上加霜,通过上级介绍,他参加了拍攝真实情境的冒险节目“寻宝周记”,获胜者可获得一千万元奖金,为了提高收视率,节目中还穿插前美国海军海豹小组狙击参赛者的桥段,结果這些狙击手用的不是漆弹,而是真枪,加上突然来袭的飓风,将席卷太平洋上的小島,山姆和其他的参赛者能顺利逃出吗